What to Expect

Trinity Lutheran Church is a church of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. We use the historic liturgy of the Lutheran Church along with her hymnody. Services include hymns accompanied by our organist. Every Sunday we celebrate the Lord's Supper and receive the gifts our Savior has promised. The sermon is focused on the Word of God and its application to the life and faith of our Christian lives. 
At Trinity, we believe that the Lord’s Supper was established as a meal of fellowship and confession. In this meal, we confess together our one faith in Christ and our belief in the Confessions, especially the doctrine set forth in Luther’s Small Catechism. Therefore, those who are not one in membership in The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod are asked to speak with the pastor or one of the elders prior to approaching the altar to receive communion.
For those with medical or personal reasons to abstain from alcohol, individual cups at the center of the trays contain amber-colored, alcohol-free wine.
